The Journey is a programme conceived and developed in Singapore which Awful Grace has been running since 2017. Consisting of two phases – Toki Formation and Kintsugi Transformation – The Journey is a holistic approach to the restoration and reintegration of individuals whose lives have been impacted by imprisonment or those who have experienced trauma.
We have been partnering with with Singapore Prison Service since 2017, Assumption Pathway School since 2018, Methodist Welfare Services (Girls’ Residence) in 2023. For more information about The Journey, please email us
Watch how Toki Formation and Kintsugi Transformation have impacted lives:
Toki Formation
Toki Formation is a pottery-based programme developed by Awful Grace, which covers the art of moulding clay and creating an object of beauty. Coupled with this kinaesthetic experience, valuable lessons of character formation and life skills acquisition are taught and through pottery making, caught. Life lessons are drawn from the techniques used in hand-building pottery. At the end of the programme, participants will have learnt how to produce works of art in the creation of clay pottery and have had object lessons in character formation and/or the acquisition of life skills.
Kintsugi Transformation
Kintsugi Transformation is the second phase, for which the first phase, Toki Formation, sought to build a strong and robust foundation of self-awareness. Kintsugi Transformation seeks to foster a deeper awareness of self, and concurrently, to create an other-awareness. One of the key objectives is to further develop life skills that will enable them to interact productively with their family and their community. As with Toki Formation, the pedagogical style of Kintsugi Transformation is experiential.
For more information about The Journey, please email us